Printing from CSuite


For this function to succeed, your communications software must recognize a print code that is transmitted from VTN. Your communications software then passes the information that follows along to your printer.

It may be necessary to configure your local communications software to enable local printing and in some cases your communications software may not support this function. Consult your owners manual or other documentation if you have trouble printing directly from VTN to you local printer.

NOTE: Your printer must be turned on, loaded with paper, and otherwise ready to print...


Any number of problems/symptoms might be encountered if your communications software does not adequately support this function.

If you are unable to print directly to your local printer you will still be able to:

  1. save the document/file to a file in your home directory,
  2. then use the [go files] shortcut, and the 'd'ownload command to transfer the file to your local system.
  3. from your local system you can use a word processor, text editor or even a graphic browser to print the file.

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