PRAMARCH.RVW 970804 "The American Archivist", The Society of American Archivists, 1995, 0360-9081, U$85.00/year %A The Society of American Archivists %C 600 S. Federal, Suite 504, Chicago, IL 60605 %E Teresa Brinati %G 0360-9081 %I The Society of American Archivists %O Quarterly, U$85.00/year, U$25.00 single copies %O +1-312-922-0140 fax: +1-312-347-1452 %T "The American Archivist", Vol. 58, 1995 "The American Archivist" is the journal of The Society of American Archivists (SAA). Each issue contains six or seven formal papers and reviews of a number of books in the field. Most issues include SAA Council meeting minutes. The fall issue holds an annual index. The year's worth of issues provided (volume 58, 1995) had topics ranging over the political (women's archives), administrative (processing - cost analysis), legal (admissibility of electronic records as evidence), educational (use of mailing list archives), semi-biographical overviews of the work of influential archivists, historical (punch card records), documentation of archives, and even high technology (the use of lasers to read old and damaged phonographic recordings). All essays are formal papers with abstracts and biographical information: in keeping with the field under study, almost all the pieces are very heavily footnoted. (In reference to the US-centric title, I must say that I am delighted at the relatively strong contribution being made by my fellow Canadians.) copyright Robert M. Slade, 1997 PRAMARCH.RVW 970804