BKAETMAD.RVW 950303 "Aether Madness", Gary Wolf/Michael Stein, 1995, 1-56609-020-2, U$21.95/C$30.95 aether@igc.apc.org %A Gary Wolf gary@wired.com %A Michael Stein mstein@igc.apc.org %C 2414 6th St., Berkeley, CA 94710 %D 1995 %G 1-56609-020-2 %I Peachpit Press %O U$21.95/C$30.95 510-548-4393 fax: 510-548-5991 800-283-9444 %P 297 %T "Aether Madness" Despite the title, this is a very gentle book. It is a topical (and therefore almost automatically superficial) guide to information and resources in the online world. The coverage is broadly based, drawing from BBSes, commercial online systems, and the Internet. Unlike many other works in the same vein, this one is refreshingly free of arrogance and dogma. The major part of the book (Travel Tales) reads like a series of short magazine articles. The articles can't be exhaustive (nor can the list of topics), but both material and variety is well chosen. The entries are readable, and easy to take. An interesting feature is the glossary. There is no attempt to provide a tutorial for life online, but the glossary entries are at least a paragraph in length, and sometimes extend to a page or more. This allows the reader to pursue explanations at his or her own pace. This book is neither complete enough to serve as a reference, nor organized enough to be a training guide. Those who are curious about the online world, however, will find it an easy and probably appealing entre. Read the "Travel Tales" that sound interesting. Look up the glossary references for new terms. Eventually, you may find it worthwhile to buy a "modem". Online aficionados may also find this a way to expand horizons. The net is wide. There are lots of interesting tidbits herein. copyright Robert M. Slade, 1995 BKAETMAD.RVW 950303 ====================== DECUS Canada Communications, Desktop, Education and Security group newsletters Editor and/or reviewer ROBERTS@decus.ca, RSlade@sfu.ca, Rob Slade at 1:153/733 Author "Robert Slade's Guide to Computer Viruses" (US contact: 1-800-SPRINGER)