Besides spiritual laws requiring daily prayer and an annual
period of fasting, the Baha'i Faith has social laws.  It
prescribes monogamy and upholds the importance of chastity.
Marriage is conditional upon the consent of both parties and
their parents.  Divorce is discouraged in the Baha'i community
and Baha'i law requires a year of trial separation, after which,
if differences cannot be resolved, divorce is permissible. Baha'i
law also prohibits the use of alcoholic drinks and narcotics.
The Baha'i Faith is not aligned with any government or political
party.  While they may accept non-partisan government posts and
appointments, Baha'is may not be  members of any political
faction or ideology.  Baha'is, both individually and
collectively, are enjoined to obey the laws of their respective
states and the authority of the legally constituted governments
under which they live.  Without regard for political affiliation,
Baha'is may vote in general elections and participate in the
ordinary civic life of their community.  The institutions and
programs of the Baha'i Faith are supported exclusively by
voluntary contributions from its own members.