Customizing your Profile

When your Victoria Telecommunity Network user account was created a file was created in your home directory called "Profile.html". This file contained only your name and a link through which visitors to this page can send mail or a 'comment' to you.

Use this link to view your personal profile

Many users of VTN have customized their profile; adding information about themselves, their family or friends, their work or school, hobbies and links to other sites that they found interesting.

In considering what is or is not appropriate for your profile you should review your user agreement. Your profile is a public document and can be viewed by anyone who cares to do so.

You can get an idea of the range of material included in user profiles by either:

Creating Your Personal Web Page

To create a web site you will eventually learn a little about:

Although this may seem like a very complicated process, you can start by adding a little information to your Profile.html file.

The easiest way to edit your profile is to use the VTN shortcut [go profile]. The main editor commands are listed at the bottom of the screen.

Here are several links to documents that will help you create a web site:

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