World-Wide Web/Internet Links

Updated Month of 2002.04 | Jump to Contents

Want to surf the Victoria Internet? Check out the Victoria Internet Directory published on the Net and on paper by Electronic Village Productions Ltd, Victoria.

You like the Victoria Telecommunity Network, but you'd like more Internet tools such as FTP, open telnet, your own Gopher and Web browsers with bookmarks. Look no further than the Victoria Internet Service Providers on the World-Wide Web list.

In Victoria, British Columbia, and just getting started? Check out WEAV's site if you'd like to meet others who share your interest in the Web.


Meta Resources | Web Protocols and Standards | Metadata Information | Structured Information Standards | XML/XSL | HTML/HTTP | SGML | Programming Languages | 3D Markup | Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) Information | Other WWW Information Sources and Exploration Vessels | WWW Conferences | The International WWW Conferences, 1994- | Best of the Web Awards | Cool or Kewel Stuff on the Web | Selected Internet Information via WWW | General News | Resource Guides | Search Tools, Indexes and Navigational Aids | How-To-Search Guides | Search Engine Software | Electronic Mail | File Formats | Internet Organizations | Internet Consultants | Business on the Internet | Development and Future of the Internet | Web Communities and Portals List

If you are new to the Internet and the Web, here are some information sources beginning with a few:

Meta Resources

Note to Victoria Telecommunity Network registered users: some of these sites will not be accessible at all via our Lynx text-only browsers.

Web Protocols and Standards

Two organizations set standards for the Internet and the Web:

Web metadata or data about data, especially XML/SGML data about Web resources, is embodied in emerging standards such as the Dublin Core and the W3C's Resource Descriptive Framework (RDF) and Platform Internet Content Specification (PICS). RDF is so cutting edge that the current RDF syntax document (PR-rdf-syntax-19990105), as an example of its use, will not validate against the HTML 4.0 Document Type Definition. One of the most interesting free tools for the creation of Dublin Core (DC) metadata elements in a variety of formats is DC-dot from UKOLN, University of Bath, England.

Other organizations addressing Internet data transport (not content) issues include:

  1. Data Interchange Standards Association, Inc. is responsible for electronic data interchange (EDI) standards, especially in the area of electronic commerce
  2. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) manages the process of setting standards at the global level

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

Structured Information Standards

The Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) is a non-profit international consortium promoting the adoption of platform-neutral markup languages such as XML, HTML and SGML.

Extensible Markup Language/Extensible Style Language (XML/XSL)

is a further subset of SGML designed to overcome many of the limitations of HTML

  1. Extensible Markup Language (XML) (Microsoft)
  2. Extensible Markup Language (XML) (W3C) includes the W3C Recommendation for Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0
  3. What is XML? compiled by l.c. rees
  4. XHTML®: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (W3C Recommendation 26 January 2000) is "A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0"
  5. (Seybold Publications and O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.) is packed with useful and current information
  6. XMLephant: The Big XML Resource (Cardboard String Media)
  7. XMLSoftware is an excellent source of free, shareware, and commercial XML products.
  8. xmlTree (Wavefront Ltd.) provides a structured tree-like directory to XML-based Web content.
  9. XML/XSL Resources (Bryan Van Hook)
HyperText Markup Language/HyperText Transport Protocol (HTML/HTTP)

is a subset of SGML

  1. allows you to validate your HTML markup as well as simulate how your HTML will appear to different browsers based on their HTML parsing capabilities.
  2. HTML Specification Page (Official) (W3C) includes a section on HTML 4.0 which Microsoft implemented as "Dynamic HTML" (DHTML)
  3. HTML Specification Page (IETF HTML Working Group, maintained by Roy Fielding)
  4. HTML Writers Guild is an international organization of Web page authors and Internet publishers. AWARE (Accessible Web Authoring Resources and Education), an initiative of HWG, promotes universally accessible Web sites.
  5. HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol): specifications and development information can be found at this site at the University of California, Irvine, maintained by Roy Fielding.
  6. HTTPD Servers List contains comparisons and links to information about all known publicly available httpd daemons. The list was compiled and maintained by Daniel LaLiberte, NCSA, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
  7. Index DOT Html and Index DOT Css by Brian Wilson is a reference tool on HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  8. Introduction to HTML and URLs (University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
  9. WebCom HTML Resources Guide
  10. XHTML: The Extensible Hypertext Markup Language is HTML 4.0 as an XML 1.0 application
Standardized General Markup Language (SGML)
  1. Architag University, formerly SGML University, is based in Englewood, Colorado
  2. SGML/XML Resource Library (POET Software)
  3. The SGML/XML Web Page by Robin Cover at OASIS

Extensible Markup Language/Extensible Style Language (XML/XSL) and HyperText Markup Language (HTML) are subsets of SGML.

Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)

A URL, also referred to as a Web address, is the mechanism by which the HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP) locates an Internet/Web server.

Programming Languages

are used on the Web to perform actions that are otherwise impossible to execute in a markup language. Due to the enormous volume of information on these major languages, only a few selected sites are listed.

Java, JavaScript and ECMAScript

Java is a creation of Sun Microsystems, JavaScript is a creation of Netscape Communications Corporation, and ECMAScript or ECMA-262 is a vendor-neutral version of Netscape JavaScript and Microsoft JScript maintained by the European Computer Manfacturers Association (ECMA), Switzerland. Large JavaScript libraries are found at the JavaScript Source and JavaScript World. Microsoft J++ is a Microsoft implementation of Java under license from Sun Microsystems.


is an interpreted language and popular in UNIX computing environments. The Perl Institute is a good starting point, as is CPAN, the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, once you know what to look for.

Visual Basic and VBScript

are Microsoft products.

3D Markup

3D Markup refers to text-based files that describe three-dimensional objects or scenes, static or animated, for display on Web sites. As of November 1999 there are two such 3D Markup products: 3DML and VRML.


3DML was developed by The company provides a wide variety of tools for building 3D Web sites on the fly (on the spot) with no need to construct or model 3D objects. 3DML is very similar to HTML, so serious codehounds can go even further with 3DML than through the automated building tools on the Flatland Web site.

Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML)

VRML is the international standard for the storage and exchange of 3D objects and data models known as worlds.

  1. VRML97 Specification (VRML Consortium) is functionally equivalent to VRML 2.0
  2. Focus on Web3D (Sandy Ressler's Guide at
  3. VRML Repository (Web3D Consortium, formerly managed by the University of California, San Diego)
  4. VRMLSite Magazine
  5. Web3D Consortium (formerly the VRML Consortium)

Other Web Information Sources and Exploration Vessels

WWW Conferences

The Internet Conference Calendar (Automatrix, Inc., Rexford, NY) offers announcements of conferences, seminars and other public events (commercial or otherwise) pertaining to the Internet and Web.

NOTE: Except for the International WWW Conferences, this section was abandoned in 1995; the links were last checked and corrected on 1998 05 26.

The International WWW Conferences, 1994-

National Conferences, 1995 Only

Best of the Web Awards

Cool or Kewel Stuff on the Web

Formerly World-Wide Web Weirdness

Selected Internet Information via WWW

This list is not exhaustive and is only intended to highlight a few of the information resources about the Internet available on the Web.



The Unofficial Internet Book List maintained by Kevin Savetz is an outstanding resource for tracking down books and other printed resources about the Internet.

Web Awareness: Knowing the Issues (Media Awareness Network, Canada) assists students, parents, educators and librarians in evaluating Internet/Web resources.


How-To-Search Guides
Local (BC) Indexes and Guides
The Rest of the Net
Search Engine Software

These products run on your local PC and allow you to search the host search engine database. Some of these products can also be set up to index files on your local PC.




Jump to Development and Future of the Internet


Use The Internet Phonebooth (VTN) to find Internet Consultants via the YellowPages or other Net directories.

Business on the Internet


Jump to Internet Organizations

Web Communities and

Portals List

Jump to the VTN Community Computer Networks, Free-Nets & City-Regional Guides

Some of these "communities" provide free Web space, e-mail, chat and other services in exchange for your personal information. This allows the community host service to advertise products via your Web site through pop-up banner ads (GeoCities uses this method) or through direct mailing. If you are uneasy about releasing personal information that may be resold without your knowledge or permission, you should not join one these communities.

Created and maintained by David Mattison. Suggestions for inclusion in this page can be mailed to (aa003). Specify the file "" in your message.